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Subscriptions endpoint

The subscriptions endpoint is used to synchronize subscriptions between a server and connected clients. The server is treated as the authoritative source for subscription information. Clients can query the endpoint by specifying the datetime from which they want to fetch changes to ensure they only fetch information that is relevant to them since their last sync.

Subscriptions represent the feeds a user has subscribed to. A subscription object stores essential information about each subscription and acts as an index that links other activity information together.

Important data fields

feed_urlStringNoThe URL of the podcast RSS feed
guidString<UUID>NoThe globally unique ID of the podcast
is_subscribedBooleanNoWhether the user is subscribed to the podcast
subscription_changedDatetimeNoThe date on which the is_subscribed field was last updated. Presented in ISO 8601 format
guid_changedDatetimeNoThe date on which the podcast’s guid or new_guid was last updated. Presented in ISO 8601 format
new_guidString<UUID>YesThe new GUID associated with the podcast
deletedDatetimeYesThe date on which data associated with the subscription was deleted by the user. This field is used to determine whether a 410 (Gone) response should be returned